Tuesday, September 13, 2011

The pictures say it all! What a fantastic weekend we had at the Speak Good English Movement held in Jurong Regional Library!!! Kids as young as 4 to 80 had fun telling stories with Weird Tales! Though it was tiring for the team, as the event was held over the weekend from 10 to 8, it was definitely an experience we will never forget!

Tic Tac Tales and our Wade standee were the stars of the event if you ask me! Children and adults would gather around wade just to get a picture with him! However, the best moments for us was when we saw parents and their children working together to create a story, this motivated us as it reminded us of our original vision in the company - for kids to learn through play. So, the team and myself are charged and ready to brainstorm on new games and to prepare the release of our upcoming game.... CARNIVAL CANTINA!!!! So that we can see more families coming together through our games and learning something as well!

Until next time!

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